Order My New Book:
Indie Cinema Online
Available from Rutgers University Press.

Sarah E. S. Sinwell (Ph.D., Communication and Culture, Indiana University) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Film and Media Arts at the University of Utah. She has published essays on Kickstarter, Green Porno, Riverdale, and Dexter in A Companion to American Indie Film, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Feminist and Queer Theory: An Intersectional and Transnational Reader, and Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives. Through analyses of such topics as YouTube, web series, art house cinemas, and queer and female independent filmmaking, her research investigates the intersections between contemporary American independent cinema and new media platforms. Examining shifting modes of independent film distribution and exhibition on YouTube, Hulu, Netflix, and SundanceTV, her first book Indie Cinema Online (Rutgers University Press, 2020), redefines independent cinema in an era of media convergence. Sarah is currently working on her second book project about the representation of gender and sexuality in Twitter campaigns such as #GiveElsaAGirlfriend and #MakeReyAsexual. Sarah has won numerous awards for both her research and teaching, including a grant to participate in the NEH Institute on Understanding Digital Culture: Humanist Lenses for Internet Research. She teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in Media
Arts, Film History, Film Theory, Diversity in Film and Media, Women Directors, Queer Media, Independent Cinema, and Convergence Cultures.

What's been said about
--Yannis Tzioumakis, author of American Independent Cinema
"Indie cinema has been moving increasingly online and Sarah Sinwell's book is the first to offer a comprehensive mapping of this new and exciting terrain. Paying attention to the key players in the field and offering a host of interesting examples, the book is an extremely welcome addition to the blossoming field of independent cinema studies."
"Sarah Sinwell's Indie Cinema Online is an engaging and provocative examination of independent cinema in the past two decades. Through detailed case studies, Sinwell captures the promise and the challenge to independent cinema with the current array of release windows and the drastically changed distribution and marketing mechanisms. Sinwell's project opens new avenues to shape our understanding and appreciation of independent cinema in the 21st century."
--Justin Wyatt, author of High Concept: Movies and Marketing in Hollywood